Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The New IQ by David Gruder, Ph.D. - Book Review

When I first requested to review The New IQ: How Integrity Intelligence Serves You, Your Relationships, and Our World, I thought it would be about restoring moral integrity to the world. I had no idea what Integrity Intelligence was; and even the back cover blurb and author's introduction didn't prepare me for what I found within this book's pages.

The New IQ discusses our 3 Core Drives: authenticity - living in accord with our deepest, truest selves; connection - how much connection do I co-create with others; and impact - how much positive impact do I have on my world.

Dr. David Gruder uses case studies and personal examples to show how being out of integrity with one of your three core drives impacts you and others. More than that, however, The New IQ shows how undigested childhood experiences--traumas we have not dealt with--impact us as adults.

While not a big surprise, I found Gruder's discussion on the survival plans children put in place when they aren't receiving what they need from their parents, and how rather than digest these childhood experiences, these adults continue to be in survival mode, particularly interesting and engaging. Gruder also brings up Energy Psychology--a topic I became familiar with when reviewing The Genie in Your Genes: Epigenetic Medicine and the New Biology of Intention by Dawson Church. Gruder believes that Energy Psychology could provide "rapid, reliable and lasting" help with removing personal baggage.

The New IQ also covers the 7 WisePassions: teachability, self-care, discernment, harvesting, power, synergy and stewardship. Gruder spends time providing details on each of these WisePassions.

With his conversational style, Gruder has written a book that many will find helpful. It is also good to read about what the author has learned about himself through his clients. Included additional resources allow the reader to continue her study on Integrity Intelligence.

I eagerly anticipate Dr. Gruder's next book!

Title: The New IQ
Author: David Gruder, Ph.D.
Publisher: Energy Psychology Press
ISBN: 978-1-60415-013-1
SRP: $17.95 (U.S.)

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